Effective Marketing is not as Difficult as You Think

Vivek Sharma
5 min readOct 19, 2020

Do you think marketing is a difficult job for you, well it's the most common myth amongst new marketers! Marketing is the activity or set of institutions, and processes for creating, communicating, and exchanging offerings that have value for customers. The process of marketing starts even before that when you understand the need for the existing market to fill the void. The most common question asked by most marketers is how to carry out effective marketing with the rapidly changing needs of the market. In this article, I am going to talk about some major tips that will be helpful for marketers. This article will be helpful for bloggers, professionals, and freelancers.

The aim of marketing is to know and understand the customer so well that the product or service will sell itself without you worrying about marketing. Deciding where to compete is half your success. Marketing builds a channel to build a strong brand, once you become number one in a specific category then people find it easy to remember and your customer acquisition cost will go down. Digital marketing has a long shelf life because it is noted in human psychology and is relevant for ages. Marketing is the most valuable investment in a business because it gives a direct and immediate return. As a marketer the very first step is to build trust with the audience i.e personal branding or to build mass trust once you have done so then you’ll not need to do marketing after you have acquired a good market position because your biggest asset will be the word of mouth. You probably have some idea about who your target consumers are and why they might be interested in your product. If you’re selling a piece of accounting software, you know that your target buyer doesn’t want to spend hours every week making calculations by hand. The CATT marketing funnel:

Niche: your half the success depends upon your area of interest and niche

Content: Create useful content that attracts people from your niche like a blog post, video, live webinars

Attention: Drive attention to your content using the marketing techniques

Trust: Build mass trust with your audience

Transaction: Convert your leads into sales

In the late 20th century, marketing thought leaders developed a set of concepts and tools that help companies achieve their objectives within a market.

Product: What are you selling? A shiny new business widget? A hand-crafted luxury item? Chicken tacos? Whatever it is, you’ll need to think about how to package or present it. Marketers should be familiar with all the features and specifications of the products they sell.

Price: To determine how much your product should cost, you’ll need to do some research. Learn how your competitors price their offerings and understand how much consumers are willing to pay.

Promotion: These days, marketers have many channels through which to promote their products. From radio ads to social media banners, you’ll need to decide which are right for your brand.

Place: Your customers need to be able to find and purchase your product. Can they buy your product online? Do they need to visit a store? Additionally, you’ll need to consider how much inventory to hold and where to keep it. These days, inbound marketing strategies rely on engaging content to bring customers to you (or your website). But you can only trust yourself so far: 45% of the business doesn't have the formal marketing strategy these organizations toss digital content into the abyss of the internet without ever measuring their results or thinking about how to do better. A good marketer never stops learning. Though the fundamentals of marketing may remain steady over time, the specific strategies businesses deploy are affected by a number of factors, such as:

Changing customers demographics: Younger generations of people may respond to different appeals, compared with older generations. Customer opinions can greatly influence your content strategy.

Emerging technology: Mobile devices, voice search, and other developments offer new ways for marketers to reach their customers.

Fluctuating market conditions: The global economy is in constant flux; what was affordable to consumers yesterday may be out of reach tomorrow.

Cultural Shifts: Political and social movements shape the way consumers view companies and their offerings.

How do you forecast these changes? They can shift gradually over long periods of time, especially in the case of technology adoption. You can’t just put a finger to the wind and determine what the next trend will be. That’s when you turn to expert advice. Blogs are a great place to start. Those of us embedded in the world of marketing every day share our experiences, analyze reports, and make educated predictions about the future of marketing. It is advisable to set a financial goal and a plan to achieve it, however, you can set your own financial goal. Suppose to have a financial goal of one crore and you have a digital course or product of worth rupees 1,000 only then you just need 10,000 customers to achieve this target. It's very important to select your target niche so as you won't get deviated. You don't have to be number one you can be only one in a selected niche.

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